Why Does LiFT Need a New Campus?
LiFT has grown by more than 700% since opening our doors in 2013 and has outgrown our space. Our new campus will allow us to serve more students and help to create a spotlight for what is possible for individuals and families living with neurodiversity. We will be a resource and partner for the whole community and through partnerships, internships, employment and volunteerism; we will break down barriers and continue to support the ability of our learners to reach their full potential.

our vision
- Classrooms for our learners
- Therapy and Sensory Rooms
- Music and Art Spaces
- Media Center
- Gymnasium
- Community Café
- Administrative Offices
- Culinary Arts Kitchen
- Assembly Space
- Athletic Fields
- LiFT Day Program /Microbusiness Lab
- Sandi Lynn Geller Memorial Family Resource Center
- Health Clinic
- And space to Dream!